The box was sitting in the basement of the house I bought, sight unseen. It was a large, rectangular, cherry wood box with a bright aluminum lid secured by brass hinges. For some reason the wood was...
Read More“I saw where we were voted the most unfriendly city in the world. Can you believe that man?”
“Where’d you see that, Darius? Who says we’re unfriendly?”
“Saw it in some magazine in the library. Something called Conde Nast Traveler, a supposedly...
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Fulvio Castellano woke up early. Something told him to get out of his apartment, what, he wasn’t sure. It was just a feeling. He got cleaned up, not bothering to shave and grabbed his keys. On some instinct...
Read MoreFor reasons she didn’t fully understand, she lied. They were standing in her driveway. “He wasn’t always like this, you know.” She pointed to the...
Read MoreWhen my friend Tom suggested that I go to the dance, I shook my head no. That’s when he went to work on me. Wasn’t I tired of being alone?
Read MoreI sit on my front porch swing on a hot July Saturday afternoon. It reminds me of the way I used to feel in the summers of my youth, when it was too damn hot to do anything fun. None of the boys wanted to play baseball in that heat and by the middle of July...
Read More.....“Jake, can I ask you a question?” I nodded. “I want you to be honest, please, ok?...
Read MoreBilly stood on the porch behind the funeral home angrily puffing on an unfiltered Pall Mall. It was windy and cold, the kind of day he wished he didn’t smoke, or maybe that smokers still had the right to smoke where they pleased. He was looking at the tiny cemetery, his back...
Read MoreWhen Grace Dickenson’s husband, Pierce passed, she felt a disorientation she had never experienced before. She barely managed to get through the services and the legal thicket involved with transferring their shared assets over to her accounts. Most of this she...
Read MoreThe doorbell rang, probably for the third time. Cameron Smiley didn’t hear it right away because he had dozed off. Begrudgingly, he climbed out of his recliner to...
Read MoreHe sat in the green room waiting for his turn to go on. It wasn’t his first time, it was his second, counting the appearance he made on the local news back home...
Read MoreWake up call here is 6:30, but I am always wide awake by then, usually for two or three hours. I retire, as required, every night at nine o’clock when the lights go down. Not that it actually gets dark, mind you. I can see...
Read MoreJack Abington woke up suddenly. He felt disoriented, not unlike the way he felt when he was a little boy in summer camp for the first time. He took a deep breath and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. He saw his footlocker first. Right, he thought, I’m in...
Read More“You goin’ to the King’s 50th?”
Case took a good, long pull on his Corona. “Oh, I’m goin’ to a 50th all right. I have to go with Michelle to Memphis for her parents’ 50th wedding anniversary party.” He put his bottle down on the side of the pool table and took his shot, missing his target.
Erik laughed. “It’s gonna be...
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Spencer insisted. He can be very persuasive. His friend Blake flew into town for an interview yesterday. He was flying home at six. When he approached me...
Read MoreThe alarm clock startles her. Every morning it’s the same thing. Caitlin sits up in her bed and says a silent prayer, asking for...
Read MoreI’m sitting on the beach about dozen feet from the water. Its low tide and the Gulf water lightly dances up to meet the sand before gliding back...
Read MoreYou see somebody every Tuesday for months. You create a history for her filled with triumphs. Add a few rough spots for texture, ones that you smooth over.
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