Spring training had finally arrived. Major League baseball players had reported to camp a week ago. Justin, who just turned twelve, couldn’t be more excited. His team, the Detroit Tigers, were scheduled to play their first exhibition game. Although it was a cold Saturday in February, he was sure his friend Lucas would…
Read More…Having turned seventy a few weeks ago, he felt that it was important to live his life the way younger people lived, but he also believed that holding onto even small links to the past helped to keep his memory…
Read MoreThey had just crossed the state line from Kentucky into Tennessee. Another 90 minutes or so and they would be in Bartlett, where his brother lived with his wife, Melanie, and two daughters.
“Ethan if your brother Jeremy or Melanie bring up politics and that awful…
Read MoreHe had taken a morning walk from their house to downtown, where he stopped at a bakery to warm himself. It was colder than he'd expected. He ordered coffee he didn't want to warm his hands by holding the cup.
"Good morning," the woman behind the counter said. She looked at his face and said,
"What's going on?" He looked…
Read More…He’d been working in Nashville when he met Megan, who was a native of the area. They’d fallen in love quickly and were soon inseparable. When he asked her to marry him…
Read MoreJoanne was excited. She had just closed on her first home, a third-floor condo unit in Pt. Pleasant Beach, New Jersey. It was sooner than expected, but an argument with her boss changed her plans. She had worked for…
Read MoreSue Scarpello, a widow, living in a small two-bedroom apartment in Newark, with her two sons, Larry, Jr. and Louis, was feeling generous. Money was always tight. Her husband had had a promising career as an expert machinist, but he was…
Read MoreWhen Carter woke up that morning, he knew it was earlier than usual for him. What woke him? He listened for a few minutes and then heard an unmistakable sound. He hadn't heard it for several years. Living in Middle Tennessee…
Read More…I’ve since been told that I was in the middle of an intersection when a car, running a stop sign, mind you, hit me broadside and sent my car…
Read MoreMike called. "What's up Justin?"
"Not enough.” He peered through his living room window. “Snow flurries in November. Buffalo is going to catch hell this year."
"Yeah. At least you can go out. I'm still recovering from…
Read More…Matteo had his doubts, but he dutifully studied harder to learn more English, feeling a bit wistful about it. Had he always known he would visit America? Might he, now nearing 60 years of age, move to…
Read MoreOn his 90th birthday, Wesley Collins, who still lived independently, got an unexpected visitor. His daughter, Kerry, who had a key to her father’s sparsely furnished condo, let herself in. She had made him a cake, an old favorite of his, white with chocolate icing.
He’d been sitting…
Read MoreIt was a hot summer night in June, 1942. They were sitting in the front seat of his car, listening to the radio. They were in a quiet spot at South Mountain Reservation in northern New Jersey. The war wasn’t going well, certainly not in…
Read MoreHis mind had been blank, on autopilot, focusing only on whatever was happening at the moment. In fact, he managed to get though his murder trial by living in the moment. The walk into court with his lawyer, listening to the lawyers questioning witnesses for the prosecution and…
Read MoreGeorge took his son, Brett, to the Hartsville little league tryouts He was worried about him. He’d bought him a new baseball glove, a ball and a bat just a week ago. Brett had never shown interest in baseball before. Now, at nine years old, he suddenly decided he wanted to play on the town’s little league team.
George had played ball as a kid, including little league. He’d been relegated to…
Read More…Stan was more than a little bit reluctant to meet anyone. Just five months ago his then fiancée had terminated their relationship by showing up at his condo one Tuesday morning with…
Read MoreJimmy Vinci wasn’t interested in her. His mother kept at him though. “Stacy is a lovely girl, Jimmy. Give her a chance. You’re gonna like her, believe me. I know these things.”
“Ma, she’s not too good looking. I don’t want to say…
Read More“Do we have to invite your entire family this year for Christmas Eve?” Ian asked.
“Well, we do that every year, don’t we?” Lucia asked. “We have your family Christmas Day, right?”
“I guess so. But…
Read More…On the day before Thanksgiving, he was already feeling lonely; he knew he would spend the holiday alone. He spent most days alone. He had no family and not many friends. Sitting in his freezer was…
Read MoreBill, the elderly man in the memory unit, was well liked. The staff, who were quite surprised by how many friends visited him regularly, liked him too. There was an innate kindness…
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