Posts in Flash Fiction
Mrs. Mackey's Papaya Juice

He peeked into her room to see if she was awake. Mrs. Mackey, who was dying of breast cancer, had been in and out of the hospital frequently, staying four days, then five and now, ten days.  

As the medical floor’s unit manager, Mr. Brand had few actual management responsibilities. True, he supervised two ward clerks, but most of his day was spent...

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The Payoff

We were all in on it. But at the trial? I got away with it. I was the only one."

"I know. Not enough evidence. What of it?"

My father paid off the judge." A sly smile crossed his lips.

Bruno slapped his nephew hard. He didn’t even look around to see who might be watching. In a controlled voice he said...




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Mail Call

She sat on her bunk, reading the letter again. The woman in the bunk on the opposite side of her cell was staring at her. “Good news or bad, Macy?”

Macy looked up and smiled. “It’s both, I guess. Frank got out three weeks ago. He’s in a half-way house and it looks like he may have a job working for his brother Benjamin.”

Krystal nodded. "So, the bad news is...


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The Chubby Cop


Lester walked out of Meg’s Grill toward his patrol car, looking neither left nor right. But, as usual, he could feel everyone’s eyes on him. Meg’s had plenty of tables outside during the summer, always full. He knew what her customers were thinking. Sometimes, someone would say something sotto voce that he caught anyway. That morning it was...

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The Miracle

Valentino LaManna’s baby was sick. The doctor came to their tiny walk up and examined the infant. He looked at the immigrant parents, his eyes as sad as he could make them, and shook his head. As soon as the doctor left, the woman spoke to her husband. “Prendi il Sacerdote,” she wailed...

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