Posts in Flash Fiction
Our Beach

The Gulf water is calm this morning, the sounds of the tiny waves breaking on the sand are soothing. I’m standing on the deck, looking at the beach, turning my head slowly from left to right as if I might see her. I’m working on a plan to...

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Addio Easter Bunny

“About time you got here Frankie,” my father said. “Your mother’s been driving me crazy. ‘He’s gonna miss dinner. I made all this food. Where is he?’”

“Yeah where were you, Francis?” my younger brother Tony asked. He introduced me to his new girlfriend, Brenda, a Jewish girl from West Orange. “It’s her first Easter dinner.”

I was 26, living in the Bronx and working as a staff accountant for the New York Yankees. Every Easter Sunday... 


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Hi Meanness

Zach lay quietly on the stretcher bed in the pre-op area, staring up at the ceiling lights. In a few minutes the anesthesiologist would stop by to put him under. His shaved head was covered by a skull cap to keep him warm while he waited. He had been a nervous wreck the night before...

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