Len Serafino

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On Enduring Love and Being the Right One

Recently, I read a story about an elderly couple, probably in their mid-eighties. You may have seen it on social media or read the story. It seems that every morning the woman would hand a coffee jar to her husband so he could open it for her. A friendly young couple who lived next door noticed this while visiting them one Sunday morning.

Wanting to be helpful, the young man secretly gifted the elderly woman a gadget that would make opening jars easier, thinking it would save her the trouble. He showed her how to use it, certain she would appreciate the small convenience.

But the next time they were together, to the young couple’s surprise, she simply handed the jar to her husband to open. Had she forgotten about the gadget? The young couple, puzzled, waited for a moment to be alone with her and gently asked why she hadn't used it.

She said, "Oh, I can open it myself, even without the gadget." With a twinkle in her eye, she offered a tiny smile. "But I let him do it because it makes him feel strong, like he's still the man of the house. It reminds him that I still need him, just as much as always. We don’t have many years left together. Preserving that feeling of togetherness is more important than the jar."

The moral of the story, according to the person who wrote it, was, “Never underestimate the value of our elderly loved ones. Though they may no longer contribute in the ways they once did, their presence, guidance, and the small ways they nurture relationships are priceless. Like a tree that no longer bears fruit but still offers shade, their value is immeasurable. Caring for the elderly is not a burden—it is a blessing.”

Certainly, there is truth in that statement, but in my opinion, the real lesson is the enduring power of love. Over the years, life changes. We build and establish careers; we experience financial ups and downs. We raise a family, deal with illness and even tragedy. Life’s challenges, and even its joys, can turn our attention away from the things that brought us together in the beginning, when romance was a priority.

Roses for no reason, love notes in the lunch box, holding hands walking through the mall, saying I love you every day, remembering good morning and good night kisses, matter. Preparing your loved one’s favorite meal, is worth the time it takes. Active listening: If you miss the best play of the game, you know you can catch it later during the highlights. Whatever you’ve discovered on Instagram will still be there an hour from now. Paying attention to your loved one is always a compliment.

Important gestures that express love can slip away. We get too busy; we forget. And then we just stop noticing each other the way we once did. Beware, because, like the most beautiful potted orchids, even the deepest love can and will wear away for lack of attention. Letting her guy open the coffee jar isn’t about the wisdom of the elderly. It’s about the importance of love and demonstrating your feelings through every stage of life. Whether you’re in your twenties or your eighties, make it a priority to let them know you love them. 

Tomorrow night is New Year’s Eve. It’s been said that every night is New Year’s Eve if you’re with the right one. Be the right one!